Relative Humidity Range: 10 to 95 %RH, 10 to 40 L/min
Relative Humidity Range: 95 to 98 %RH, 10 to 20 L/min
RH Uncertainty: 10 to 95 %RH, 0 to 70 °C, 10 to 40 L/min(0.5% of reading)
RH Uncertainty: 95 to 98 %RH, 0 to 70 °C, 10 to 20 L/min(0.5% of reading)
Relative Humidity Range: 95 to 98 %RH, 10 to 20 L/min
RH Uncertainty: 10 to 95 %RH, 0 to 70 °C, 10 to 40 L/min(0.5% of reading)
RH Uncertainty: 95 to 98 %RH, 0 to 70 °C, 10 to 20 L/min(0.5% of reading)